Publicaties & Nieuws
Longfonds: Vitamine D kan longaanvallen verminderen Ernstige tandvleesontsteking zou kunnen wijzen op diabetes
Over OralDent Diabetes Screening Test
Over Carpegen® Perio Diagnostics
Onafhankelijke studies onderschrijven het feit dat Carpegen® Perio Diagnostics marktleider is op het gebied van kwaliteit:
- Inter- and intra-test agreement of three commercially availablemolecular diagnostic tests for the identification of periodontal pathogens
- Comparison of culture and real-time PCR for detection and quantificationof five putative periodontopathogenic bacteria in subgingival plaque samples
- Carpegen real-time polymerase chain reaction vs. anaerobic culture for periodontal pathogen identification.
- Wegener I, Schuster H, Kim T (2006). Comparison of two different microbiological assays to characterize the subgingival microflora. J Clin Periodontol 33 (Suppl 7): 90 (Poster 149)
- Clinical and microbiological effects of initial periodontal therapy inconjunction with amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in patients with adult periodontitis. A randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled study
- Amoxicillin plus metronidazole in the treatment of adult periodontitis patients. A double-blind placebo-controlled study
- Evaluation of the long-term efficacy and safety of locally-applied minocycline in adult periodontitis patients
- The use of metronidazole and amoxicillin in the treatment of advancedperiodontal disease. A prospective, controlled clinical trial
- Microbiological and clinical effects of metronidazole and amoxicillin inActinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-associated periodontitis. A 2-year evaluation
- Metronidazole plus amoxycillin in the treatment of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans associated periodontitis
- Metronidazole concentrations in plasma, saliva and periodontal pockets in patients with periodontitis
Behandeling van parodontitis
- Microbiological and clinical effects of surgical treatment of localized juvenile periodontitis
- Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis in human periodontal disease: occurrence and treatment
- Zijn paropathogenen overdraagbaar: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Mondhygiëne: 22-25
Behandeling van peri-implantitis
- Peri-implant and periodontal microbiome diversity in aggressive periodontitis patients: a pilot study
- Recommendations on the clinical application of air polishing for the management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
- The therapy of peri-implantitis: a systematic review
- The patient undergoing implant therapy. Summary and consensus statements. The 4th EAO Consensus Conference 2015
- The diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis
- Treatment of peri-implantitis by local delivery of tetracycline. Clinical, microbiological and radiological results
- Microbiology and antimicrobial therapy of peri-implantitis
- Thee efficacy of chlorhexidine mouthwash, with and without an anti-discoloration-system (ADS), on the parameters plaque, gingivitis and tooth surface discolorationa systematic review and meta-analys
Bregje W.M. van Swaaij1, G.A. Van der Weijden2, E.W.P. Bakker3, D.E. Slot2 - Chlorine dioxide and chlorhexidine mouthrinses compared in a 3-day plaque accumulation model
- The effect of chlorhexidine dentifrice or gel versus chlorhexidine mouthwash on plaque, gingivitis, bleeding and tooth discoloration: a systematic review
- Chloorhexidine en waterstofperoxide Stain, plaque and gingivitis reduction by combining chlorhexidine and peroxybor
- The efficacy of 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthrinse compared with 0.2% on plaque accumulation and periodontal parameters: a systematic review
PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
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De Stichting Werkgroep Antibiotica Beleid (SWAB)
De Stichting Werkgroep Antibiotica Beleid (SWAB) is in 1996 opgericht op initiatief van de Vereniging voor Infectieziekten, de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie en de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ziekenhuisapothekers.
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Farmacotherapeutisch kompas
Onafhankelijke geneesmiddelinformatie voor zorgprofessionals
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